FNB To Honour the Legacy of Mike Upward

October 1, 2024

Football New Brunswick would like to honour the dedication of Mike and Judy Upward to the sport of football in our province. The Under 14 Provincial Trophy will be renamed “The Mike Upward Trophy”

Mike (also known as Mr. Football) was involved in football for 38 years as a coach, official and volunteer within the Fundy Minor Football Association. Mike with his wife of 57 years Judy spent an additional 10 years in Nova Scotia where they started a 1st ever Program with 150 players participating. As a community builder Mike was also heavily involved in the formation of the Varsity Girls Football League and was instrumental in forming the Maritime Football League with longtime friend Terry McIntyre.

Mike was never someone who liked to be recognized, he always said, he was just a lever, the players did the work. None the less Mike and Judy were the recipient of the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award and the FNB Lifetime Service Award. He was awarded the Sports Person of the Year for the City of Saint John, he is on the Wall of Fame at Simonds High and the score clock at Simonds High is dedicated in Mike and Judy’s honour.

Mike also served on the Football New Brunswick board, was President of Fundy Minor Football for years. Mike put his Heart and Soul into every minute on and off the field, and truly LOVED the Players. Gone, but never, ever forgotten his legacy will carry on.